Saturday, February 21, 2009

First Day

Quick recap of the past day:

I arrived to Italy at 7:20 this morning (1:20 am)
Had my breath taken away on numerous occasions (including seeing Orvieto)
We live in an old monastery
We have gardens, courtyards, and a killer view from Orvieto over another town
It's colder indoors than outdoors, but makes for many cups of tea/coffee and layers
The people are awesome
There are frescos in our hallways
We have mainly two-person dorms with personal bathrooms
I love my schedule
The cultural norm is to have lunch, a daily walk, and "repose" (sweeeet)
We live with nuns
They have a garden we have a beautiful view of, and they make jams, olive oil, etc.
The city has the typical-Italian-looking coble stone alley ways
I already found the chocolate and coffee shops
The plan is to spend next Saturday in Rome, and Friday in Assissi
Only after a day, it is safe to say that this will be the best four months I've ever experienced in my entire life!

Sorry for the briefness of this post. Time is pretty limited. I will try my hardest to have a new photo or two for you every day, and hopefully more meaty updates on what's going on. My internet access is 5:00 - 6:30 PM everyday (11:00 - 12:30 AM your time). I would LOVE to hear from you! Email me or mail me, and check back again for another post soon.

Air mail me:
Sarah Nenno
Monastery San Paolo/via Postierla, 20
Orvieto, Italy 05018

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